Alternative Medicine (Dr. Aishwarya Sikka)

Normally medical treatment is given to a patient in the form of mainstream therapies. The alternative to traditional therapies complements conventional treatment. A few examples of alternative medicine are Acupressure, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy and body therapies like Chiropractic and Osteopathy.

Medical treatment cannot be the same for everybody. Each individual’s body being unique, the treatment also needs to be given with due consideration to the individual’s specific disposition. With various alternative therapies available today, the number of people looking for such varied forms of treatment is on the rise, mainly due to absence of side effects coupled with beneficial results.

All over the world, different kinds of healing practices have been handed over to the next generation for thousands of years. A classic example of this is Ayurveda, an age old health treatment of India. Ayurveda bases its theory on the Panchabhootas, or the five basic elements viz. ether. air, fire, water, earth. Phytotherapy, another type of alternative medicine makes use of extracts of natural origin as health promoters and plant, animal and mineral products. Alternative forms of medicine use substances found in nature like herbs. Use of ganoderma and tulsi etc. are common in Ayurveda. Extracts of these are used in supplements too. Other supplements could include fish oil, Omega-3 fatty acid, glucosamine, flaxseed oil, and ginseng.

Ayurveda makes use of body massages too, that not only relieves pain but also doubles up as preventive medicine by increasing blood circulation, stimulating and strengthening the lymphatic system, thus protecting the body from foreign invaders and boosts immunity. A good Ayurveda massage has the effect of revitalizing the body.

Alternative medicine works on the principle that the human body balances itself and facilitates remedial action. The number of people interested in alternative types of medicine is increasing due to its advantages such as holistic care, (focus on body and mind), personal attention, natural and healthy approach, apart from being less expensive. In short, and in conclusion, alternative medicine re-harmonizes and re-balances the body on its terms with long term beneficial effects.